
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Design | Attic Space

I remember when I was growing up my entire family on my mom's side (all 40 or so of us) would get together on Christmas day at my Grand mother's house. Since I have so many cousins we use to go up in the attic and play hide and seek since that's where she would store all of her unused items. We would turn the lights out to make it even more interesting, which of course scared the hell out of me at the time and in turn left a bad impression of attics in my mind. 
However, after looking at some of these pictures I can't imagine not wanting to spend all of my time in an attic if it looked like this! 
Sloped ceilings, exposed beams, wide open space, there's just so much to love about attic living....especially when the lights are on :)

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