
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Design | OCD Meets My Favorite Place in the House

First and foremost, my heart goes out to the victims and volunteers at yesterday's Boston Marathon.

Two days in a row of posting!! After my many month hiatus this is quiet the accomplishment! 
Alright again enough of my ranting... I am a self proclaimed OCD neat freak, my roommates make fun of me because I will go around straightening the remote controls, lamp shades, etc. God help my boyfriend when we finally move in together, I don't think he knows what he's getting himself into! :)
You're probably wondering why I'm rambling about how OCD I am, well my fellow readers I have stumbled upon the perfect marriage of OCD/organization and a kitchen I have ever seen. I love how neat and clean cut everything looks. There seems to be the perfect place for every item, event the spices! 
No clutter in this kitchen! 

I am in LOVE with this cabinet!!

I love how you can find everything so easily yet it's all done so neatly!

 What do you think? Is it too organized for you?

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