
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday Thinkings

I'm going to take a moment here to just ramble about life, it has been almost 3 months since I've seen my boyfriend. When people tell you long distance relationships aren't that bad they clearly have never been in one! There are ups and down's and sometimes you kind of feel like an emotional lunatic because you could be happy and smiley one second and crying for no apparent reason the next. This leads me to the "pondering's" I've posted below, I think they're a good illustration of how my emotions run from day to day :)

In the morning you start with the thought process above...
Then of course since I'm a girl and lets face it we make stuff up in our heads and can get a little emotionally unstable from time to time (we all know thats true! Don't deny it!) My thought process goes to something like this....

Oh Woe is me right? Ps. it would be Nicholas Sparks to say something like this... 
But by the end of the day I look around and think life isn't all that bad, I have a lot of things to be happy about! So it goes to this...

Thank you Barney Stintson for making everything so much clearer :)

Alright, alright I'll leave my very own pity party now!
Have a great day lovies and remember always be awesome :)

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