
Friday, September 21, 2012

Fall Time is the Best Time

Saturday marks the official start of fall and I wanted to share a few things I wanted to accomplish before the end of the year rolls around: 

Exercise Everday
Call friends and family who I haven't spoken to in awhile
Host a dinner party/girls night
Don't fall asleep to the TV, instead read a good book (I'm super guilty of this!)
Make the most of each day
Say please and thank you more, just because
Cook some yummy NEW fall recipes
Light a candle no matter what time of the day it is
Make some homemade apple cider
Visit a lighthouse – maybe when I'm visiting the boyfriend. It’s something I’ve never done and sounds fun and romantic
Don't stress about the little things

Fall is my favorite season of the year, I don't know if it's all of the home cooked comfort food, the cozy sweaters, or all of the pumpkin smells!
The days are getting shorter, and now more than ever I feel like I need to cram anything and everything into the twelve short hours of light that we have available. 
What are some of the things you're looking forward to this fall?

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