
Friday, April 10, 2015

Design | Did you miss me??

I know, I know, it's been almost a whole YEAR since I've posted....I slacked off....
However, a whole lot has happened in the course of a year! I quit my job at the Hilton Wilmington Riverside, packed up all of my belongings in Wilmington, NC, said good bye to my friends (who I miss a lot!!) and moved all the way to Sarasota, FL! It's been a whirl wind of finding a new job, settling into a new apartment, decorating said apartment, and actually being around the boyfriend 24/7....I think he's finally adjusted to that as well :)

Soooo not a great excuse but I am back, revamped and ready to get back to posting!! 
I recently updated my etsy shop with some amazing new items, just in time for wedding season which is quickly approaching. 

Below is a sneak peak of some of my new creations! Enjoy :)

With love & a dash of details,

"If you work really hard, and you are kind .... amazing things will happen."

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